10 Afterschool Activities to Combat Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a big problem in this country and, all too often, children are experiencing the nasty side effects of it before they are old enough to know better.  It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that kids are healthy, which can seem like a big job, but really, staying healthy can be as simple as kids just having fun.  Encourage afterschool activities that keep them moving and, suddenly, the excess weight will begin to fall away.

Jump Ropes and Hula Hoops Kids have loved these traditional toys for many, many decades.  The same is still true today.  Lay a few hula hoops and a couple of jump ropes in front of your kids and watch what amazing games they create with the use of their imagination.

Trampoline Though they can be dangerous if not properly respected, backyard trampolines can also be a great way to stay fit.  All of that jumping burns calories faster than you might think and kids can bounce around on them for hours without getting bored.

Pick-Up Games Have a ball? Is there an old bat in the shed or a can of spray paint?  If you can, mark off a goal or use pieces of cardboard for bases and kids can play sports.  Remember, the majority of sports started long before there were sporting stores.  It doesn’t take much to start a pick-up game of baseball, touch football, or kickball.

Bicycle Rides Kids love bikes and bikes are great for kids! Fortunately, kids’ bicycles today are much more affordable than they once were, and they can often be found used at an even smaller price tag, which means that your kid can be speeding around the driveway, backyard, or cul-de-sac in no time.

Yoga Though not as traditional as some kid activities, parents across the country are starting to recognize just how thoroughly youngsters enjoy the stretches and movements that are involved in yoga.  Its health advantages have been making headlines for years!

Swimming Whether you take them to the local YMCA or you let them loose in the backyard pool, swimming is a great way for kids to have fun and stay fit.  Though, parents should always monitor pool activities to ensure there are no accidents.

Organized Sports Today, there are millions of programs around the country that offer kids as young as ages 3 or 4 the opportunity to partake in organized sports. Whether your child in interested in cheerleading or basketball, baseball or lacrosse, chances are that, with a little research, you will find that there is a program not too far from home.  Often those activities take place afterschool and may even count as a daycare write-off on your taxes (ask your accountant).

Scavenger Hunts The exercise element is not as immediately obvious as it is with organized sports, but scavenger hunts can take place indoors or outside and ensure that kids don’t stop moving.

Obstacle Course As with pick-up games, obstacle courses can be created with objects found around the house.  What can your kids climb over?  When can they crawl under?  What can they straddle?  Use your imagination and you can undoubtedly create an obstacle course that will keep your kids moving for hours.

Dance, Aerobics, or Gymnastics Classes As with organized sports teams, there are many classes offered to young children today.  Dance, aerobics, gymnastics, and martial arts facilities are opening their doors to kids as young as ages 2 or 3, and many of the classes are scheduled for afterschool hours.  Again, it is possible that this could be taken as a daycare deduction on your taxes, but consult your attorney if you are curious.

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